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Hi, I'm Yulia!

Documentary film director, publicist and lecturer.
Born in Moscow, USSR
Lives in Israel

Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors, feature films and dramaturgy, 2004.
Moscow State Teacher’s Training University, teacher of language and literature,1994.

In 1996, joined All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (ВГТРК) as a reporter, screenwriter and director of documentaries, special reports, and commercials. Developed web documentaries for TV and news agencies.

After 2001 worked as the editor-in-chief of the documentary format on Culture TV Channel (Телеканал "Культура"), Channel One (Первый канал), directed Docudrama films.
Made about 30 documentaries with got awards and recognition.
Write columns at most-visited websites in Russia, as well as sites for Jewish topics, such as, Booknik,
Lecture on cinema, videomaking, cinematic art, video journalism, storytelling and transmedia production at the Higher School of Economics HSE University and other prominent Universities.
Member of a jury of Mobile Filmmaker’s International Fest.

works & publications

Image is a prominent news resource

It's not an easy issue being a columnist in a country like Russia. I must remain professional, and at the same time not to get under the article of criminal law. Here, in, my posts are issued every two weeks.

My interview for Israeli russian-speaking "Channel 9"

"Hero of the Day", 2015 about modern education in Russia

Promo for my course "Personal Media with Smartphone"

This course developed for new filmmakers, scriptwriters, bloggers, who’d like to learn how to manage video blog professionally, convey their message through images, understand the visual elements of a photograph, and learn how to properly interview people, from prominent figures to regular passerby and the homeless.
I give lectures for Higher School for Economy in Moscow and WAN IFRA, World Association of News Publishers, France.

Lection "An Interview in a Documentary Film"

One lection (in russian) about how to make an interview in a documentary film, why and when it is needed, with best examples


"Logos_" journal

Logos is a leading Russian-language bimestrial journal on philosophy, social and humansciences and cultural studies distributed among philosophers, scholars, most important libraries in Russia and abroad. Our issues include works by (and analyses of) many of the major figures in classical and contemporary thought


press about me


My first publication

My dad carefully keeps this newspaper as the date of my first publication. I'm either 17 or 18 years old here. Actually, this is an article about our teacher. But for some reason, it was me who was taken on the cover of the ‘Moskovskaya Pravda’ newspaper. And here I am, in the foreground and, as always, I'm “broadcasting”. The teacher humbly walks besides me. Circulations of paper newspapers were multimillion back then. Dad believes, there is something to be proud of.


An interview and photo session for "Jewish Magazine"

My interview was taken by Pavel Lvovsky and honorable photographer Vladimir Kalinin, for russian jewish magazine

An interview for BBC

n 2018, on the site I wrote a column on why Russians don't smile. The famous BBC reporter Steeve Rosenberg read it and interviewed me for radio, then for BBC TV, the story ended up with me being "defamed" for working for the West by Russian propagandist Dmitry Kiselev

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